Fruit of the tamarind tree, the tamarind is widespread in Africa, India and the West Indies. Still called the Indian date, it is known throughout the world for its culinary use. However, its medicinal virtues are often overlooked. If you're not used to eating tamarind, here are ten reasons why you should change your mind. But first, let's start by introducing this fruit with its many benefits.
Tamarind comes in the form of a pod containing a fibrous pulp and small black seeds that are often acidic. Depending on the degree of maturity of the tree from which it comes, tamarind can be sweet, sour or very acrid. It is used as a culinary ingredient in many ways in different parts of the world. In Senegal, for example, tamarind is known to accompany the traditional thieboudieune. The other components of the tamarind tree are not to be outdone. From roots to leaves, almost all parts of this tropical tree are used mainly in phytotherapy. The laxative properties of tamarind have been proven many times over.
1- Relieves digestive disorders
Tamarind is very rich in tartaric acid and potassium, two substances that make it a mild laxative. Thus, the consumption of this fruit is recommended for people suffering from digestive disorders, especially chronic constipation. Very rich in fibre, tamarind effectively protects the digestive system and facilitates intestinal transit. Get into the habit of consuming an infusion of tamarind after each meal, especially breakfast, to protect you from digestive problems of all kinds. It is also recommended for people suffering from ulcers to consume tamarind because of its many antiseptic properties.
2- Antiseptic properties
The antiseptic properties of tamarind have been widely demonstrated and have proven to be effective in treating many infections including urinary disorders such as cystitis. To do this, you can drink tamarind as an infusion, as a refreshing drink or cook (soup or salad) tamarind leaves which are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Tamarind's effective action on bacteria makes it a popular remedy for skin diseases.
3- To treat skin conditions
Skin infections, dermatitis, wounds are all ailments for which the use of tamarind is recommended. Very rich in limonene and geraniol, it can be ingested or applied directly to the affected skin. Tamarind is a natural anti-infectious agent that neutralizes the bacteria that cause skin problems. In case of dermatosis or skin infections, you can, in addition to the tamarind infusion, prepare a decoction based on tamarind tree bark, very rich in tannins, to be applied directly to the skin. To do this, cook a piece of bark about 15cm in a litre of water for about half an hour. Leave it to macerate for about two hours before applying it to the infected areas. For your baths, add one litre of decoction in ten litres of water. Always use this formula for your children to prevent them from getting infected by the little boo-boos of everyday life.
4- To fight against cell ageing
The tannin composition of the tamarind and more particularly its bark makes it a natural astringent. It is also very rich in antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin C. Regular consumption of tamarind will help to delay the ageing of cells as much as possible and improve the elasticity of the skin. Opt for a natural solution to maintain your body.
5- Facilitates teething in infants
The period of teething in infants is very delicate and very stressful for parents. What is your miracle cure to relieve painful inflammation for your children? While some grandmother's remedies are effective, others are simply useless and sometimes even dangerous for the infant. Try tamarind by gently applying a few drops of a lukewarm infusion to the gums. Tamarind-based gum gels for infants are available in pharmacies. Tamarind is also recommended for adults suffering from gingivitis and mouth ulcers. You can use it mainly for mouthwashes. You can use the above mentioned decoction for this purpose.
Tamarind is a natural anti-infectious agent that neutralizes the bacteria that cause skin problems.
6- To treat sore throats and respiratory problems
Phytotherapy mainly uses tamarind to treat bronchitis. Acting as an expectorant, it clears the bronchial tubes and facilitates breathing. For sore throats, we recommend that you drink two to three cups of tamarind infusion per day (20 grams of pulp for one litre of water). Take care to gargle with it for a more effective action.
7- Alleviates nausea in pregnant women
Morning sickness is one of the most uncomfortable stages of pregnancy. Thanks to its tangy taste, tamarind acts as a powerful anti-vomiting agent. To do this, all the pregnant woman has to do is suck a few tamarind seeds every morning for as long as possible. This excellent fruit also has a reputation for stimulating the appetite. However, take care not to consume tamarind seeds all the time, as too high a dosage can lead to intestinal transit problems.
8- Stimulates the liver system
The daily consumption of tamarind helps to cleanse essential organs such as the liver and kidneys. Thus, regular consumption of tamarind in any form you prefer will allow the liver, an essential organ of the body, to function properly.
9- Recommended for people prone to hypertension
The consumption of tamarind leaves has the particularity of reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and regulating blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure or are predisposed to have it, we can only recommend that you integrate tamarind into your eating habits.
10- Recommended for diabetics
Tamarind leaves are also known for their hypoglycemic properties, i.e. they reduce the level of glucose in the blood. For this reason, their consumption is recommended for people who are diabetic or have a predisposition to diabetes. That said, it is best to refer to your doctor to make sure there is no risk to you and to what extent you can consume them. Don't miss our articles exclusively on the topic of diabetes in the "living with diabetes" section.
Tamarind is mainly used as a cooking ingredient, whereas its consumption possibilities are numerous: infusion, decoction, salad, soup, jam, syrup ... In view of all the virtues mentioned in this article, no doubt you will find a suitable way to integrate tamarind into your eating habits.